Friday, December 31, 2010

Here's to a fabulous 2011!!

Goals I have set for myself this year:

1. Focus a little more on my "Thirty One Gifts" business. I started selling these bags early last year, but I haven't been able to devote as much time to them as I would have liked. This year I want to try and do that. They have an awesome special starting tomorrow. I will blog about it later.

2. Organize & Save!! I married a wonderful man in 2010, and we have a new year ahead of us. A new year to save "as a family". Being married, I can organize for more than just myself.....yay! For someone who loves organization, this will be very enjoyable for me. I asked the parents for 2 organizing shelfs at Christmas which will aide in my efforts.

3. Buy less shoes. PERIOD.

4. I've had an interest in trying to make vinyl stickers here recently. I either want to purchase a circuit expression or a silhouette sd. I haven't decided on which one I should go with. Any advice?? If the vinyl stickers work out well for me, I just might bring back my etsy shop back, still undecided.

5. Lose 20 pounds (again) Last year, I set a resolution for myself. I wanted to lose 50 pounds before my wedding in July. I met my goal, and after the wedding, I had a few too many chimichangas....(I say chimichangas because I had some for dinner tonight, hehe. My last one of 2010. I was successful with weight watchers last year, so I plan on doing WW again this year.

6.Take a little time everyday to appreciate my life and all the beautiful things that have contributed to it. (This past year I lost my grandfather "Daddy-Pa" and I will always remember my memories growing up visiting my grandparents on the lake) Left with me are wonderful memories that I carry with me everyday. Above is a photo I took from their backyard. Chances are I won't be there again, and the view pictured is one I saw every time I went to visit them. Along with that photo are many years of happiness I appreciate now more than I ever had in the past. Left with me are thoughts of taking more time to appreciate my life and everyone in it.

Happy New Years!

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