Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Weekend!

Hey there! :) Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was pretty busy, but it was enjoyable! On Saturday, I had signed up for a 5K, so I did that in the morning. Then one of my friends Angie had her wedding. It was beautiful.  It really got me thinking that I needed to get going on my wedding. It's going to be here before I know it!! :):)

Yesterday, I went shopping with my friend Shahanna ALL DAY! :) I like days like that. Got a lot of neat things. We also needed a new rug for the living room, and I was able to find one really close to the same design as my old rug. I had just had the old one for a bit, and I needed a new one.

Goodness, I have been so busy here recently, that I almost forgot my birthday was coming up. I mean, I remembered, but usually I am counting down. I am just staying busy.

So I officially have my own Thirty One Gifts site now. Please visit it!! :):)  Feel free to ask me questions or e-mail me. I am so excited to start doing parties. Just take a look through the catalog. I just really never knew about them before, and it just took me looking at their items, to figure out that I really liked them. Since they are so new, I just wasn't exposed to the company before. I am going to have my first Open House here soon, so I will keep you posted! :):)

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